Moustaches are Healthy
The Atlantic published a compelling article in their August issue on the assorted health benefits the moustached man enjoys. In an era of increasing political partisanship, a doubling down of which Americans will suffer for the next 3 months, it's nice to read about real solutions from a non-party-affiliated1 source. Forget Obamacare, Johnsoncare2, Romneycare, taxes, or deficit spending. What we need is a moustache, and friends, we need it soon.
We won't spoil a good read, but just look at some of the healthy highlights!
- Cancer protection
- Pancakes
- Tax Benefits
- Increased Attractiveness
Yeah, that's right kids. Pancakes.
A question then begs asking, the answer to which must be obvious if we are honest with ourselves. If all these benefits can be realized by a simple 'stache, how much more beneficial must be a full beard?
[1] Unless you count the party on the upper lip, in which case, it's super affiliated.
[2] Just kidding, Gary Johnson doesn't portend to resolve complex issues with legislative monoliths
Whoa there my bearded friend. There's more pogonotrophy where this came from