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Stache is better than no stache
[Permalink] Jul 3, 2008, 12:17:00 PM
Typically I reserve my political views for myself. However, in this case I feel that an important US presidential candidate is being ignored, and it's our duty as facial hair evangelists to do what we can. So, setting self censorship aside for a moment I want to introduce you to Bob Barr, the 2008 Libertarian Party candidate for president, and exclusive facial hair owner in the bunch. Facial hair says a lot about a man, while Barr doesn't have a Sweet Beard like some of you, he is obviously more of a free thinker than the other two candidates. If you have the choice between a naked face and a Stached face in the oval office, the choice should be clear. I hope you'll join me in screwing the two party system and promoting pogonotrophy by voting for Bob Barr this November.

Whoa there my bearded friend. There's more pogonotrophy where this came from

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