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Mobile Updates
[Permalink] Nov 23, 2008, 9:52:00 PM
Logging in to SweetBeard from your phone to update can be a pain. Especially since Apple provides no way to upload photos from Safari. Fear not, a brand new feature has been added to make updates easy on the go! Just email your pictures (from the email address you set up with your account) to The email subject will become that update's comments, and since Apple in their infinite wisdom decided that only one picuture can be sent per email, all pictures sent within a 5 minute window will be part of the same update. So on the iPhone, just take a picture of your Sweet Beard's progress and email it to, and you're done. Should work with any device that can send an email too, but it's only been tested on the iPhone/Android.
Whoa there my bearded friend. There's more pogonotrophy where this came from

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