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World Beard Day 2013

[Permalink] Aug 9, 2013, 1:29:09 PM
Wake Up America! World Beard Day is coming and the Australians are beating us to it. Yes, of course it's just an elaborate promotion for a concert in a hotel down under. But we're supposed to be the shameless promoters! I propose WBDUSA to be the day before, with bigger, badder, fuller beards and possibly larger explosions and/or smaller taxes. If you're already going to be on the lower hemisphere, by all means, go. But if not, it's your bearded duty to support WBDUSA's dominance.

New Mid-Atlantic Beard Compo

[Permalink] Jun 26, 2013, 1:06:59 PM

Say what you will about the tenets of national civil war. At least it grew a lot of beards. Mark your calendars my east coast beard growing friends, there's a new beard compo in town. Or, in Fredericksburg* which is reasonably close to a few towns. I have it on good authority that we'll even have some SweetBeard members surely winning engaging in healthy competition.

See for more details.

*Yes Fredericksburg, and yes the ad copy is civil war themed. No, this won't be a bunch of reenactment geeks in tents for the weekend. Unless by reenact you mean "grow beards" and by tent you mean "and support charity."

Space Oddity

[Permalink] May 14, 2013, 5:07:27 PM

This may be the highest-budget video ever produced.
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