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The Joose is Loose.

[Permalink] Dec 16, 2013, 6:04:30 PM

Chop and Brew may not have microbiologist on staff, but they do meet the mandatory facial hair requirements to properly review Joose.

Pine Tree Beardorrism

[Permalink] Dec 13, 2013, 12:01:00 AM

What is Beardorrism? I'm glad you asked. Beardorrism is not just a compound lexeme. Beardorrism is Pogonophobia run amok. Beardorrism plays on our lizard brain like Dusty Hill plays an electric bass. I'm talking about fear, man! It overloads the higher senses causing perfectly reasonable bearded people with unreasonably sized profile photos to sponsor graphics like this:

How is that even presented as an option? Tell me, how?! Context chum, it's gone all topsy turvy. So to provide said context, and in the theme of film production, here's a script snippet:


    "Shave the beard?"

  (intense laughter from everyone everywhere)

Now - because we could not call ourselves Americans if we didn't respond to fear mongering with a knee-jerk sacrifice of treasure irrespective of the consequences, it's time to support the project. SweetBeard already donated an undisclosed amount commensurate to its own vast wealth. You should too. For you see, if one really thinks about it, Pine Tree isn't about art. It's a cautionary tale of a man lacking a sweet beard, and his descent into table talking madness. Aesop and Adam. One had a pen, the other a camera. Both have a beard and a story to tell.

Movember: Urinary Arrogance

[Permalink] Nov 14, 2013, 2:43:14 PM

I find Movember to be both a good and a terrible thing. For men's health: check. Good thing. The implication that not having a beard and/or mustache is an acceptable phenomenon? Very bad thing. Something akin to saying the penalties for murder on Tuesdays are stiff, so you'll want to get your murdering in on Monday. But that's not the point is it? No! This is about being in control of your own destiny! Like the guy above. Sure he sounds vaguely Canadian, but he has both a mustache and something of a beard. So consider this an homage to Movember without the shaving.

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