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Season's Greetings from St. David
[Permalink] Dec 7, 2009, 3:48:00 PM
As the blessed month of November slips farther away, and we move quietly and steadily towards Christmas, quietly and steady like the quiet steady growth of facial hair, it is important for us to remember certain things which we so easily forget in the hustle and bustle of this busy season.
No-Shave November, that most blessed and wondrous month of the year, has come and gone. The glorious days in which you rejected The Man's attempt to have you conform to an unnatural and unholy state of being (the state of Shaved-ness), have past. And with their passing, so also perhaps passes your will and resolve to be the man that you were destined to be. Gone is the glorious month of reveling in your hirsutitude; gone the simple joy of laughing at the folly of the Razor; gone is the swelling of pride in your soul at the beautiful thing which your body has made: your beard. Gone, gone is the glory of manhood.
Or is it?
As we approach the Christmas season (a season ripe with beards: Jesus, Joseph, the Wise Men, and Jolly Old Saint Nick himself), I am reminded of a saying that is often heard: Keep Christmas in your heart all year round.
A worthy saying and notion; is it not good that we might keep a sense of giving and joy in our hearts throughout the year? Yes, it is a splendid notion!
But this notion has given rise to a new idea in my soul: Why must we keep the glorious precepts of No-Shave-November constrained to one month a year?
While the actual month of November may be our month of celebrating with friends and family the wonders of The Beard, let us not fall prey to the false notion that it must be kept to merely one month.
Brothers, I encourage, I entreat, nay, I exhort that in the coming year, nay, in all years, days, weeks, hours, keep the quiet joy of No-Shave-November in your hearts.
While the month itself has past, inwardly and outwardly you may keep and remember the beautiful truths that this month teaches; inwardly you dwell on the glory of the bearded form, and outwardly you will display its timeless truth. Spread the gospel of The Beard, and if necessary, use words.
No-Shave-November has come and gone; it will never be gone from our hearts.
Whoa there my bearded friend. There's more pogonotrophy where this came from
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